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Compact Squad Overview

Paris Saint-Germain Squad Overview

Compact Squad Overview

Get a quick snapshot of the Paris Saint-Germain (PSG) squad for the 2018-19 season, including all players and their key statistics.

Detailed Squad Information

Dive deeper into the PSG squad with detailed information on each player, including market values, transfer rumors, player stats, fixtures, and more.

Recent Match Statistics

Stay up-to-date with the latest PSG match statistics, including scores, goals, shooting, passing, defense, possession, and more.

Historical Season Overview

Explore the 2018-19 season in detail, including PSG's professional history, current squad, and key highlights.

2017-18 Season Roster

Revisit the 2017-18 PSG roster, complete with player appearances, minutes played, and goals.

Financial News

Stay informed about the latest PSG financial news, including wage withholding for Kylian Mbappe.
